New dir xc/programs/Xserver/vectormap/

Roland Mainz roland.mainz at
Thu Apr 28 14:23:32 PDT 2005

Paul Anderson wrote:
> > Are there any objections that I create a new subdir in CVS called
> > xc/programs/Xserver/vectormap/ to have a place for the "VectorMap"
> > extension ("VectorMaps" should be handled like normal Pixmaps but are
> > implemented in the way like the current Xprint vector DDX handle them) ?
> Do you have any additional information about the new VectorMap
> extension that you're proposing?

Well, VectorMaps would offer some interesting advantages over normal
pixmaps - VectorMaps can be scaled because their content "consists" of
recorded rendering instructions (X core and Xrender instructions) which
are replayed at XCopyArea()/XCopyPlane()/XVecCopyTag() time, a
transformation matrix could be applied, the background can be
transparent (please do not mix this with "translucency") and in some
cases they may consume significant less memory (think about a button
frame at 800x800, for 8bit this would be a 625k chunk of memory for the
Pixmap while the current PostScript DDX just consumes 280bytes to record
the rendering instructions) and it may help DAMAGE to become more
usefull - if a VectorMap gets used for double-buffering instead of a
Pixmap then DAMAGE could report the damage areas for each rendering
instruction instead of a 800x800 area.



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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