Please shut down

Adam Jackson ajax at
Thu Apr 14 08:42:28 PDT 2005

On Thursday 14 April 2005 11:24, Dave Nebinger wrote:
> > People are _still_ using the xorg_arch mailing list!  Two weeks ago I
> > requested that the "Subscribe" links on
> >
> >
> >
> > be changed to point to the new lists.  This still has not happened.  What
> > needs to happen to get the old lists shut down and the new ones
> > referenced?
> Will old subscribers be automatically transitioned?  What is the
> unsubscribe procedure if so?

I have no idea if they will be automatically transitioned.  I supposed that 
depends on someone with admin access to giving Mike A. Harris the 
subscriber list for the old lists.

You can subscribe yourself to the new lists here:

My main reason for objecting to the continued existance of the old lists is:

- They are not being used for their stated purpose; people are posting tech
  support questions to xorg_arch, which is not a tech support list.
- They are not the appropriate and/or officially sanctioned list for their 
  stated purpose anymore, and haven't been for two months.

- ajax
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