can not display X on my macbook pro

Xianghui Xue xianghuixue at
Wed Aug 28 15:16:43 PDT 2013

Hi all,

      My laptop is MAC OS 10.8 and I have installed XQuartz.  It works well when I display something in the terminal. 
      But when I ssh to linux server (i.e., ssh -Y or ssh -X ),  and  execute "xclock" or "gv" commands, the X window can not be displayed. The information shows that :
          [user at node00~] connect /tmp/.X11-unix/X0: No such file or directory
          [user at node00~] X connection to localhost:11.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

     I have modified the .ssh/config file to set  "ForwardAgent yes" and "ForwardX11 yes".  

     echo $DISPLAY on my laptop shows: 
          US at Here_$ echo $DISPLAY

     and echo $DISPLAY on remote linux server shows:
       [user at node00 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY

     How can I fix this problem?


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