[ANNOUNCE] libXt 1.1.2

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Wed Mar 7 18:29:41 PST 2012

libXt is the X Toolkit Intrinsics library used to build older generation
toolkits such as Motif & Xaw.

This release includes a good number of bug fixes, some initial unit tests
for checking several recent fixes, compiler warning cleanups, and build 
configuration improvements.

The included documentation for the libXt API has been transformed into the
DocBook/XML format, to allow processing with the same toolchain as the rest 
of the X.Org docs, producing better and more modern output formats, and 
providing support for cross-linking with the other X.Org docs.

Alan Coopersmith (11):
      Add test framework similar to xserver and use it to test XtAsprintf
      Add test case for XtAppMainLoop bug 34715
      Add test case for XtCvtIntToPixmap fix in commit 16d9941f3aa38
      Strip trailing whitespace
      makestrs: Add const attributes to fix gcc -Wwrite-strings warnings
      Convert ISOLatin1 functions to specify args as const char *
      Make gravity strings const to fix gcc -Wwrite-strings warnings
      Make implementation_default_path return const char *
      Add const attributes to slashDotXdefaults to fix gcc -Wwrite-strings warnings
      Add const attributes to TMparse typedefs to fix gcc -Wwrite-strings warnings
      libXt 1.1.2

Gaetan Nadon (3):
      Update README for documentation reference
      docbook.am: embed css styles inside the HTML HEAD element
      Add .gitignore for the newly added DocBook/XML generated files.

Jeremy Huddleston (4):
      LP64 fix for TypedArgToArg()
      Don't pop elements from our array while we're itterating through it.
      Whitespace changes related to cleaning up previous patch
      Treat unexpected returned events from poll as errors

Jon TURNEY (1):
      Only link with ws2_32 for mingw target

Jordan Hayes (1):
      Bug 34715: XtAppMainLoop doesn't work without a Display

Matt Dew (3):
      Initial docbook conversion.
      Remove old files.
      informaltable cleanup

Olivier Fourdan (1):
      Bug 40577 - Missing bound checking in FreeSelectionProperty()

Stephen Turnbull (1):
      Don't re-enter the WaitLoop if block is set to false

git tag: libXt-1.1.2

MD5:  c4f7f149559320f378d93b835d38ad6f
SHA1: 9e84b807419d78bda4acbd7aea05aed2ab0556cf
SHA256: f041a7802b13630348072f5a609e0cc0e3df2382c0ddaae41d2769422eacc347

MD5:  5ddc456471b727aae58f273b43ec0f5e
SHA1: b6c5f78b5bee813021903c3205de8824fe8fe682
SHA256: eb7a80901460dc147fe4543a7bffa62c1fa86484133aae98583a8dffb438dd72

	-Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
	 Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc
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