[ANNOUNCE] xf86-input-synaptics

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Thu Apr 26 16:29:31 PDT 2012

This is likely the last release candidate for synaptics 1.6. There are still
a few bugs open, some of which I hope to squash before 1.6 but at least for
some of them it's likely that the fixes below have fixed them anyway.

If you currently have a bug filed please check this release and close the
bug if it is gone. Especially 48777 was likely the cause for a bunch of
unrelated cursor jumps, weird loops, and others.

Chase Douglas (1):
      Update src/synproto.c license to the preferred MIT/X11 license

Chow Loong Jin (1):
      Fix coasting friction

Peter Hutterer (10):
      man: move ClickPad documentation into a single area
      Ensure hw millis are monotonic (#48777)
      Print millis as unsigned int
      Don't release the button on TS_3 if TapAndDrag is disabled (#31854)
      Reset touch state on DeviceOff (#49161)
      Init num_touches to 0 on start
      ClickPad is most definitely a bool option.
      Don't unconditionally divide by scroll_dist_vert (#46617)
      Reset scroll delta when no finger is touching

Pierre Lulé (1):
      Stop coasting when two-finger scroll begins

git tag: xf86-input-synaptics-

MD5:  8c07650a79b160c8f04470219bf1bd84  xf86-input-synaptics-
SHA1: 4853bd933fa41b83ff513262cdf6e5b89f22d64b  xf86-input-synaptics-
SHA256: e2ec1d9bf9f6c76643ff004e3f7451ea5e3ae511cba238642e6736ea804549cf  xf86-input-synaptics-

MD5:  7494ad1608fc8d917d9707dffced81cd  xf86-input-synaptics-
SHA1: 21901e3cf458913fb3ff7a8103c87c99e3f9c676  xf86-input-synaptics-
SHA256: cc25443927a832fa9ea997c6e30fde15dc72cbbe243b6f6b45bddb61a9a26ca5  xf86-input-synaptics-

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