[ANNOUNCE] xkbcomp 1.2.2

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Tue Jun 21 06:17:30 PDT 2011

This is an semi-urgent bugfix release for the two commits of mine, which
fix a particularly bad failure in the compat code.  If you had a
SymInterpret definition (i.e. to map a keysym to an action, as used for
VT switch and others) with an unknown keycode, every key that wasn't
already mapped to an action would get mapped to your new action.

So, for example, if you had XF86LogWinTree mapped to the PrWins action,
and a libX11 that was unaware of the new symbol, every key aside from VT
switching, zapping, pointer keys and modifiers, would dump the window
tree to your X log, and do nothing else.

Distributions are strongly, strongly recommended to upgrade, including
in stable series.

Alan Coopersmith (1):
      Replace repeated checks for gcc with _X_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF from xproto

Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
      xkbcomp: Stop possible overflow in yyGetnumber. #31647

Daniel Stone (3):
      Interp: Don't make modifier lookup failure fatal
      Interp: Ignore NoSymbol definitions
      Bump to 1.2.2

Gaetan Nadon (2):
      config: let Automake handle Yacc dist and cleaning
      config: move pre-processor flags to AM_CPPFLAGS

Julien Cristau (1):
      Inline the oiText macro in the only place it's used

git tag: xkbcomp-1.2.2

MD5:  6e8e160b99145a9a3d6ca127f61e0bc9  xkbcomp-1.2.2.tar.bz2
SHA1: 1a8c8c567a50a90540a44c9e1417655c40af7c83  xkbcomp-1.2.2.tar.bz2

MD5:  f047b89aa1f8b8ed6b2f1b938e9956f2  xkbcomp-1.2.2.tar.gz
SHA1: 0c2ffa6badf541a92c37f8df9336ce3d8e2c25e7  xkbcomp-1.2.2.tar.gz

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