2024 X.Org Foundation Election Results

Ricardo Garcia rgarcia at igalia.com
Mon Apr 15 14:02:42 UTC 2024

The Board of Directors election concluded on 08 April 2024. There were
81 Members of the X.Org Foundation eligible to vote, and 61 Members cast
votes. This is a 75.3% turn out.

In the election of the Directors to the Board of the X.Org Foundation,
the results were that Erik Faye-Lund, Simon Ser, Mark Filion and Neal
Gompa were elected for two-year terms.

The old full board is:

* Emma Anholt
* Mark Filion
* Ricardo Garcia
* Arkadiusz Hiler
* Christopher Michael
* Lyude Paul
* Alyssa Rosenzweig
* Sima Vetter

The new full board is:

* Erik Faye-Lund
* Mark Filion
* Neal Gompa
* Arkadiusz Hiler
* Christopher Michael
* Lyude Paul
* Simon Ser
* Sima Vetter

-Ricardo Garcia, on behalf of the X.Org elections committee

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