2024 X.Org Foundation Membership deadline for voting in the election

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 07:46:08 UTC 2024

On Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:42:48 -0400
Christopher Michael <cmichael at igalia.com> wrote:

> The 2024 X.Org Foundation membership renewal period has been extended 
> one additional week and elections will start the following week on 01 
> April 2024.
> Please note that only current members can vote in the upcoming election, 
> and that the deadline for new memberships or renewals to vote in the 
> upcoming election is 01 April 2024 at 23:59 UTC.
> If you are interested in joining the X.Org Foundation or in renewing 
> your membership, please visit the membership system site at: 
> https://members.x.org/
> Christopher Michael, on behalf of the X.Org elections committee

Hi everyone,

given that the year's first email reminding everyone to renew their
memberships was sent on Feb 7 when the renewal was NOT open yet, I
wonder how many people thought they had already renewed and are now
thinking they don't need to do anything?

I fell for that: On Feb 7, I went to members.x.org to check my status,
it said I was registered for "2023-2024" and there was no button to
renew, so I closed the page confident that I was a member for 2024.
After all, it said 2024. This was a mistake I realised only after being
personally poked to renew. I know for sure of one other person falling
for the same.

Now, the members page for this year says "Application for the period:
02/2024-02/2025". Thanks to the people adding the month to reduce

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