[cairo] HELP with making cairo

Damian Frank damian.frank at gmail.com
Fri May 15 09:22:58 PDT 2009

Sorry, this will be short as I'm on vacation with the family.  Your
problem most likely stems from building make yourself in an MSVC
environment; I expect this differs in important ways from what you get
from Cygwin.  I am not a make expert, nor have I ever done that, so
I'm just guessing.

I have successfully built Cairo on win32 in two ways.  I used Cygwin's
make from a cmd.exe shell (be sure your path includes cygwin's bin
dir) with MSVC.  This is relatively straightforward, as long as you
don't mind installing Cygwin.

I have also used MinGW/MSYS; in this case, you use the configure
script as you would in a unix-like environment, and you build with
MinGW's GCC.  Install info is here: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys  --
be sure to upgrade to gcc4 if you do this.

Which approach you use mainly depends on what kind of compiler you
want to use.  Currently my coworkers and I use MSYS because it makes
it possible to easily build all of the related software we also need,
such as pango and its dependencies, in the same environment with
minimal fuss.


On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Andrew S Katz (tb) <akatz712 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes I did download GNU make and Visual C++ from Microsoft.
> I made the project of GNU make, and used it to make pixman library. I did
> have to make a change to the makefile for pixman since @mkdir was creating
> directories named -p and release, and was inside of a loop.
> The problem is that I do not know makefiles, and I think the @list is
> causing 'list' to be executed as a DOS shell command, which it is not. And
> this is the same problem as I had with pixman, where mkdir IS a command with
> different syntax than what is specified in the makefile.
> One more note is that one needs to run vsvars32.bat prior to using Visual
> C++ from the command line.
> Andy
> Damian Frank said the following on 5/13/2009 9:22 PM:
> What make are you using?  For that makefile, I believe you will need
> GNU make (e.g. Cygwin's) and Microsoft's compiler.  There is more
> information in the release notes IIRC.
> Damian
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Andrew S Katz (tb) <akatz712 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> D:\Andrew\cairo-1.8.6>C:\make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=release
> ECHO is off.
> 'list' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> make: *** [cairo] Error 1
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