Hi,<br>I'm running lxde (lubuntu 12.04) and since I need to handle 4 keyboard layouts and there's no applet allowing this I made it manually this way:<br><br>sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard<br><br>XKBMODEL="pc105"<br>
XKBLAYOUT="it,us,ru,ua"<br>XKBVARIANT=","<br>XKBOPTIONS="grp:switch,grp:shift_caps_toggle,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp,grp_led:scroll"<br><br>this works fine included the keyboard shortcut to switch layout, but I was wondering if it was possible<br>
somewhere to set this for the logged user only.<br>actually I'm thinking about writing an applet or an indicator and would like to be able to avoid the need for<br>admin rights to add/remove keyboard layouts.<br><br>