Hello,<br>Basically, what I would like to do is prevent input events from my touchscreen from appearing on /dev/input/mice.<br><br>I have a dual-head setup with a regular screen (built into my laptop) on the left and a touchscreen on the right. When the touchscreen is touched, it registers two clicks; this is undesirable. From what I can find in forums, etc., the issue is that input events appear on both /dev/input/mice and /dev/input/mouse0. Indeed, when the touchscreen is touched, both devices show activity.<br>
<br>Earlier, the multiple-click issue did not occur, but there was another issue: touchscreen events did not occur in the correct spot (they were spread across both monitors). I fixed this using<br>$ xinput set-prop "QUANTA OpticalTouchScreen" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0.53333333 0 0.46666666667 0 1 0 0 0 1<br>
n.b. The touchscreen is a HP Compaq L2105tm, which uses a touch sensor manufactured by Quanta. The screen is 1920x1080 and is sitting to the right of the laptop, which has a 1680x1050 display, so the transformation matrix is correct.<br>
<br>Now that the touchscreen is properly calibrated, there are two clicks: one in the correct spot, and one in the original spot (where it clicked before I invoked xinput; this location corresponds to an identity transformation matrix).<br>
<br>How can I fix this issue? I found 3 separate solutions, none of which worked for me:<br><br>1. Disable /dev/input/mice, as described at <a href="http://www.conan.de/touchscreen/evtouch.html">http://www.conan.de/touchscreen/evtouch.html</a><br>
-There is no ServerLayout section in my xorg.conf. The dual-head layout is configured dynamically by Gnome 3 when I log in or when the monitor is attached; I'll eventually configure ivman or similar to automatically invoke xinput when the display is attached.<br>
-As I understand it, this will prevent the mouse (a TrackPoint) from working; the mouse is needed for the regular display.<br><br>2. Patch the driver, per <a href="http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/hal-vs-xserver-dev-input-mice-convincing-x-to-*not*-use-a-given-input-device-697802/#post3415561">http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/hal-vs-xserver-dev-input-mice-convincing-x-to-*not*-use-a-given-input-device-697802/#post3415561</a><br>
-I don't know where in the driver I should insert this code; plus, the driver is part of the kernel (module hid-quanta), so I'd have to recompile my kernel.<br><br>3. Write a HAL rule, per <a href="http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/hal-vs-xserver-dev-input-mice-convincing-x-to-*not*-use-a-given-input-device-697802/#post3625659">http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/hal-vs-xserver-dev-input-mice-convincing-x-to-*not*-use-a-given-input-device-697802/#post3625659</a><br>
-I tried this, and it didn't work. I used <match key="info.product" contains="OpticalTouchScreen">, but I'm not sure if this is correct.<br><br>I'm running X.Org (1.10.4 RC 1) on Linux 3.0 (the distribution is Arch Linux). If there is any additional information needed (log output, etc.), please ask.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Kerrick Staley<br><br><br>