<pre>My Equipment: ASUS M51SN with nVIDIA 9500M Ubuntu 10.04, using current nVIDIA proprietary
driver 2 Monitors: one with the laptop, another is SAMSUNG 24" supporting HDMI I have
configured the two monitors to use separate X with the xrandr indicating the monitor with the
laptop as screen 0 and the other screen 1. I can successfully rotate the SAMSUNG 24" when
opening a terminal in that monitor by "xrandr -o left", "xrandr -o normal",
"xrandr -o inverted", or "xrandr -o right" without any problem. Adding
"--screen 1" to the command above works fine. However, while opening a terminal in the
laptop(screen 0), entering the above commands with "--screen 1" option will sometimes
deteriorate both screens so that I must restart X. </pre>