Hello all,<br><br>We are undergraduate students.We are trying to configure X server for MPX support as a part of our undergraduate project. We are configuring the X server but while configuring libX11 package error as "No package 'xproto' found "<br>
<br>So we configured xproto with following command :<br><br><b>sudo ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/gfx-test/<br></b><br>and set the path for PKG_CONFIG_PATH and aclocal path as <br><br><b>export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/gfx-test/lib/pkgconfig"<br>
</b>export aclocal <br><br>We checked the directory contents in the /opt/gfx-test/lib/pkgconfig <br>and it is showing the file xproto.pc<br><br>we also checked the version of xproto by command :<br><br><b>pkg-config --modversion xproto<br>
</b><br>so it is showing <br>7.0.15<br><br><br>But still the xproto error is persisting.<br><br><br><br><a href="http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/git">http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/git</a><br><br>1) In that script initially all the required packages were cloned into respective folder.<br>
<br>2) After that <br>While doing that we faced a problem while configuring libX11. Initially we configured libX11 as per following procedure:<br><br>-- <br>Regards,<br><br>Sneha Runwal<br>Pratik Munot<br>Amey Moghe<br>Mrunal Nargunde<br>