Hello,<br><br>I am running Debian SID/Experimental AMD64 with Xorg 7.4, server and intel drivers <a href="http://2.4.2.">2.4.2.</a><br><br>in the last weeks I had issues with Flash not always refreshing the graphics when playing a video, but scrolling the page would refresh the image, I realized this week end that I have the same issue with:<br>
- sdlmame (sdl output), just going back and forth between fullscreen and window refreshes the screen<br>- even this morning with a simple xterm, just moving the xterm around fixed the issue.<br><br>So it is not flash-based like I thought...<br>
<br>I tweaked a bit my xorg.conf, in sdlmame the issue was drastically reduced by removing the dri mode 0666 in xorg.conf.<br>Right now my xorg.conf is reduced to the driver intel, AccelMethod EXA and renderaccell true.<br>
<br>Also I had the same issue with fluxbox and kde so it is not related to the wm (I have no idea if it can be so I tried...).<br><br>Could it be because of me using a new kernel 2.6.27?<br><br>Thank you,<br>John<br>