Hi,<br><br>I am working on a hardware project with one mouse attached via /dev/psaux<br>and 4 more USB mice attached via a USB hub.<br><br>I want my desktop to ignore the extra mice, and have therefore modified xorg.conf:<br>
/etc/X11/xorg.conf-30-Section "InputDevice"<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-31- Identifier "Configured Mouse"<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-32- Driver "mouse"<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-33- Option "CorePointer"
<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-34-# Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf:35: Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-36- Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-37- Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-38- Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"<br>/etc/X11/xorg.conf-39-EndSection
<br><br>/var/log/Xorg.0.log confirms the config change....<br> 681 (**) Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"<br> 682 (**) Configured Mouse: Device: "/dev/psaux"<br> 683 (**) Configured Mouse: Protocol: "ImPS/2"
<br> 684 (**) Option "CorePointer"<br> 685 (**) Configured Mouse: Core Pointer<br> 686 (**) Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"<br> 687 (**) Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
<br> 688 (**) Configured Mouse: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50<br> 689 (**) Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"<br> 690 (**) Configured Mouse: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5<br> 691 (**) Configured Mouse: Buttons: 9
<br> 692 (**) Configured Mouse: Sensitivity: 1<br> 693 (**) Option "SendCoreEvents"<br><br><br>When I plug the USB mice in, udev generates <br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 70 2007-12-09 13:46 event6<br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 71 2007-12-09 13:46 event7
<br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 72 2007-12-09 13:46 event8<br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 73 2007-12-09 13:46 event9<br>and<br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 34 2007-12-09 13:46 mouse2<br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 35 2007-12-09 13:46 mouse3
<br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 36 2007-12-09 13:46 mouse4<br>crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 37 2007-12-09 13:46 mouse5<br>as well as firing <br>pass_env_to_socket: passed 143 bytes to socket '/org/freedesktop/hal/udev_event'
<br>and<br>pass_env_to_socket: passed -1 bytes to socket '/org/kernel/udev/monitor'<br><br>When I start using the additional mice, the cursor on the desktop reacts, which<br>is unexpected. Ensuring that /org/freedesktop/hal/udev_event does not fire,
<br>does not solve the problem.<br><br>I have the following packages installed (Kubuntu 7.10 but it was a problem<br>in 7.4 as well)<br>ii xorg 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 X.Org
X Window System<br>ii xserver-xorg 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 the X.Org X server<br>ii xserver-xorg-core 2: X.Org X server -- core server
<br>ii xserver-xorg-input-all 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 the X.Org X server -- input driver metapacka<br>ii xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:1.1.5-3 X.Org X server -- evdev input driver
<br>ii xserver-xorg-input-kbd 1:1.2.0-1+1.2.1ubuntu1 X.Org X server -- keyboard input driver<br>ii xserver-xorg-input-mouse 1:1.2.1-1 X.Org X server -- mouse input driver
<br><br>I am truly stuck on this one. It used to work fine in the bad old days when one had to modify<br>xorg.conf explicitly to add a second mouse.<br><br>Dave Joubert<br>