Using the latest git, avivo does not report any errors on my X1250, but it does only display white on the entire screen. The system is still responsive, including vt change, server kill, and ssh. Various combinations of fglrx first and cold starts changes nothing (curiously, even with fglrx loaded at the same time the behavior is the same).
<br><br>Perhaps relatedly, I attempted radeondump on this system, which resulted in a hardlock. Stopping the dump before 0x5800 prevents this, although many significant registers are then not scanned, I presume. Note that I did not try all registers >=5800, as I'd be rebooting for two days; a sampling in that range exhibited this behavior.
<br><br>Any thoughts? I'll have access to this box for debugging for the next week or two, after which I've got to send it out for field work.<br><br>-Randy<br>