I'm trying to get a multi-seat configuration working. I want to use the onboard graphics and the single PS/2 keyboard/mouse for a 'console' seat and then run the other seat through the Win-PVR350's TV out port. The second seat will only be used for the MythTV application and I'll use LIRC to run the Myth program.<br><br>System Details:<br>xorg: 7.2<br>OS: Ubuntu 7.04 (feisty) AMD 64<br>Processor: AMD 64 X2 4600+<br>Memory: 2GB (shared)<br>xorg.conf: (at end)<br><br><br>I've successfully worked through getting X to display on the TV out port, so I should have a good xorg.conf info for the TV out device/monitor/screen. A difference from my test of the TV out and the application is that I'm still using the keyboard/mouse in this setup...<br><br>The onboard graphics have pretty much worked in a usable manner out of the box. (Thank you all for your work on towards this -- I still remember how hard it was to get X running 10+ years ago on my 1st
box...)<br><br>All but one of the FAQ's/HOWTO's I've be able to find with google have had the same number of input devices as seats (logically enough). I did find one blog where someone did basically what I want to do, but with different hardware and an additional seat. Thus, it would seem to be possible to do what I want, if I can just fix the problem between the monitors and the keyboard... :)<br><br>Following this example, I created two server layouts and then attempted to start two x sessions via the gdm.conf. The first server comes up ok and presents the graphical login screen; however, there are problems with the 2nd server coming up correctly. I tried changing the order of the servers and again the 1st server comes up, but not the second (slightly different errors...).<br><br>When I tried "Console" on 0 and "Myth" on 1, the monitor showed the graphic login and mouse responded on monitor, but the kybd went to the text "X didn't start" screen
on the TV out. Swapping the order in the gdm.conf-custom file, the graphic login appeared on the TV, but then the text "X didn't start" appeared on the TV as well!? (Only a solid on cursor on the monitor) Interestingly, moving the mouse would cause the graphical screen to be repainted, while moving the keyboard would refresh the text screen...<br><br>Any assistance / suggestions on how to get this working would be greatly appreciated. Right now, I'm not clear on where to go next...<br><br><br>The configuration and log files follow...<br><br><br>##################################################################<br><br>my gdm.conf-configure file:<br> <br>[daemon]<br>VTAllocation=false<br><br>[security]<br><br>[xdmcp]<br><br>[gui]<br><br>[greeter]<br><br>[chooser]<br><br>[debug]<br><br>[servers]<br>0=Console vt7<br>1=Myth vt7<br><br>[server-Console]<br>name=System Console<br>command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0 -layout Console
-novtswitch<br>flexible=true<br><br>[server-Myth]<br>name=Myth Session<br>command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0 -layout Myth -novtswitch<br>flexible=true<br><br><br><br>###############################################################<br><br><br>my xorg.conf file<br><br>Section "ServerLayout"<br> Identifier "Console"<br> Screen "LCD Screen"<br> InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"<br> InputDevice "Configured Mouse"<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "ServerLayout"<br> Identifier "Myth"<br> Screen "TV
Screen"<br> InputDevice "KeyboardNull"<br> InputDevice "MouseNull"<br> Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "Files"<br> FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"<br> FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"<br> FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"<br> FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"<br> FontPath
"/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"<br> FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"<br> FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"<br> FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"<br> # path to defoma fonts<br> FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"<br>EndSection<br><br><br>Section "ServerFlags"<br> Option "DontVTSwitch"<br> Option "HandleSpecialKeys" "Always"<br>EndSection<br><br># Specific modules needed *this is important.*<br>Section "Module"<br>
Load "i2c"<br> Load "bitmap"<br> Load "ddc"<br> Load "dri"<br> Load "glx"<br> Load "int10"<br> Load "vbe"<br><br> Load "dbe"<br> Load "v4l"<br> Load "extmod"<br> Load "type1"<br> Load "freetype"<br>EndSection<br><br><br><br><br>Section "InputDevice"<br> Identifier "Generic
Keyboard"<br> Driver "kbd"<br> Option "CoreKeyboard"<br> Option "XkbRules" "xorg"<br> Option "XkbModel" "pc105"<br> Option "XkbLayout" "us"dm.conf-configure file:<br> <br> Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch"<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "InputDevice"<br>
Identifier "Configured Mouse"<br> Driver "mouse"<br> Option "CorePointer"<br> Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"<br> Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"<br> Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"<br>
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"<br>EndSection<br><br><br>Section "Device"<br> Identifier "Generic Video Card"<br> Driver "vesa"<br> BusID "PCI:0:5:0"<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "Monitor"<br> Identifier "Samsung 920 BW"<br> Option "DPMS"<br> HorizSync 28-51<br> VertRefresh
43-60<br> DisplaySize 367 257<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "Screen"<br> Identifier "LCD Screen"<br> Device "Generic Video Card"<br> Monitor "Samsung 920 BW"<br> DefaultDepth 24<br> SubSection "Display"<br> Depth 1<br> Modes "1024x768" "800x600"
"640x480"<br> EndSubSection<br> SubSection "Display"<br> Depth 4<br> Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"<br> EndSubSection<br> SubSection "Display"<br> Depth 8<br> Modes "1024x768" "800x600"
"640x480"<br> EndSubSection<br> SubSection "Display"<br> Depth 15<br> Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"<br> EndSubSection<br> SubSection "Display"<br> Depth 16<br> Modes "1024x768" "800x600"
"640x480"<br> EndSubSection<br> SubSection "Display"<br> Depth 24<br> Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"<br> EndSubSection<br>EndSection<br><br><br>Section "Device"<br> Identifier "Hauppauge PVR 350 iTVC15 Framebuffer"<br><br> # the driver we installed.<br> Driver "ivtvdev"<br><br> Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0" # frame buffer we found
above<br><br> # below settings are optional I believe I've seen lots of people with them commented out.<br> Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M" <br> Option "VideoOverlay" "on"<br> Option "XVideo" "1"<br><br> BusID "PCI:4:8:0" # BusID we found with lspci converted as shown above<br><br> Screen 0<br><br>EndSection<br><br>Section "Monitor"<br> Identifier "TV"<br> HorizSync 30-68<br> VertRefresh 50-120<br> DisplaySize 183 122<br> Mode
"720x480"<br> DotClock 34.564<br> HTimings 720 752 840 928<br> VTimings 480 484 488 504<br> Flags "-HSync" "-VSync"<br> EndMode<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "Screen"<br> Identifier "TV Screen"<br> Device "Hauppauge PVR 350 iTVC15 Framebuffer"<br> Monitor "TV"<br> DefaultDepth 24<br> DefaultFbbpp 32<br> Subsection "Display"<br> Depth 24<br>
FbBpp 32<br> Modes "720x480"<br> EndSubsection<br>EndSection<br><br><br>Section "InputDevice"<br> Identifier "KeyboardNull"<br> Driver "void"<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "InputDevice"<br> Identifier "MouseNull"<br> Driver "void"<br> Option "Protocol" "auto"<br>EndSection<br><br><br>##################################################################<br>The Xorg.0.log file with the Myth as 0:<br> Xorg.0.log.old attachment<br><br>The Xorg.1.log file with the Console as 1:<br> Xorg.1.log attachment<br><br><br><p>
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