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<p>All this seffort on using scripts to build modular Xorg.</p>
<p>Autoconf is a script which does just that.</p>
<p>The autoconf/automake system can be written to cover everything from a make world</p>
<p>scenario to a full modular scenario and a make libs/apps... scenario.</p>
<p>All that would be neede would be a simple script to package them for release.</p>
<p>The options given by autoconf save the need for editing scripts etc.</p>
<p>It would also simplify any changes made in the future.</p>
<p>The answer lies in the automake info pages. -</p>
<p>example - libA, libB</p>
<p>libA (libB would be similar)</p>
<p> [libA_VERSION],</p>
<p> [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg],</p>
<p> [libA])</p>
<p>XORG_DEFUN([lib?_VERSION], [0.1.0])</p>
<p>AC_DEFUN([libA_PKG_NAME], [A]) dnl for pkg-config</p>
<p>XORG_CHECK_MODULES([x11 xproto xaw6])</p>
<p>XORG_CONFIG_FILES([libA], [Makefile src/Makefile])</p>
<p>combined package -</p>
<p> [1.1.1],</p>
<p> [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg],</p>
<p> [libAB])</p>
<p>AC_ARG_ENABLE(libs, ...)</p>
<p>Alowing for the fact that the XORG macros need to be written to take care of the</p>
<p>directory translations and order checks. The overall effect would be to self order</p>
<p>in the top level configure.</p>
<p>A bit of work initially - but less work in the long run.</p>
<p>But - its only an idea.</p>
<p>-- </p>
<p>regs conon</p>
<p>\ \</p>
<p> \ OOHH I hate TYPOS \</p>
<p> \ \</p>
<p> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p>