Create a *real* top level window

Eeri Kask Eeri.Kask at
Thu Sep 23 05:40:11 PDT 2010

On 09/21/2010 09:00 PM, Adam Jackson <ajax at> wrote:
>On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 15:49 -0600, Burton Samograd wrote:
>> I'm looking for a way to create a full screen window that is
>> 'always on top' no matter what is currently running.  I am
>> currently using a standard window with OverrideRedirect set
>> that raises itself every few seconds,

To reduce probable unnecessary work, would tracking VisibilityNotify
events help?

BTW, as most WMs also deal with input focus management, and as most
WMs wrongly ignore OverrideRedirect windows in practise, you have to
forcefully 'recover' focus too on each FocusOut event... the same
you raise the window (assuming your client expects input of course).

>> which works in pretty much
>> all cases that I need it to except when the user has a
>> screensaver running that locks the station.
>> In this case it ends up fighting with the screensaver and
>> password entry dialogue. This is not acceptable for what I am
>> doing.
>> So the question is: is there a way to create a window that is
>> always topmost in the stacking order that can never be
>> overridden?
> Short of either being the window manager, or having a convention >
with your window manager to achieve that, no.

Just curious, how could a WM enforce some policy in that regard at
all, say at Xlib level or otherwise (aside of the question if it
should do anything in this respect at all)?  Isn't it much like the
same as with 'focus'?

    Eeri Kask

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