KeyCode is Zero. Problem with irxevent and Xorg

Pavel Stoliarov stpavel at
Mon Dec 8 20:20:57 PST 2008


I cannot get working irxevent. ( )
The problem is that keycode is zero in debug log of irxevent
My machine with linux (geexbox distr with X.Org 7.4) without keyboard, I manage it by remote control.
Just for check I attached keyboard to machine, and  discovered one strange thing,
after pressing any key on keyboard , irxevent work fine and KeyCode value is not zero:

for example , I just booting geexbox, ( Xorg and other
necessary application startup automatic ) and not use keyboard else,
irxevent debug log:

Received code: ffffc0c400000000 00 3 /tmp/jvc1
Sending event:
name: feh
found it by wname 0x3400001
keyname: N       WindowID: 0x3400001
Key N feh
Unmodified String: N, KeySym: 78 KeyCode: 0
state 0x0, keycode 0x0

After pressing any key on keyboard , irxevent work without problem :

Received code: ffffc0c400000000 00 3 /tmp/jvc1
Sending event:
name: feh
found it by wname 0x3400001
keyname: N       WindowID: 0x3400001
Key N feh
Unmodified String: N, KeySym: 78 KeyCode: 57
state 0x0, keycode 0x39

I don't understand, what happening when I press key on keyboard.
I checked all log files, but there is not anything, that help me solved this problem.
Irxevent's mouse button emulation work without problem.

Sorry for bad english please.

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