Xgl & Radeon Mobility M6 LY

Cyril Jaquier cyril.jaquier at bluewin.ch
Thu Feb 16 06:44:47 PST 2006

> Does somebody get it working with a Radeon M6?

Yeah!!! It almost works :) The "split in the middle" bug appears when
metacity starts. I removed "gnome-session", started only "gnome-panel"
and "nautilus" and now the screen is correctly rendered. I still get
lots of garbage with gnome-terminal, firefox (which disappear when I
move the window) or when simply moving windows. That's probably same
issue as others see with Radeon cards. However, it "seems to work" :)

Here is my startup script (from [1]) :

$ cat ./startxgl
echo ">Starting XGL at Display: $1"
echo "========= XGL ============"
Xgl :$1 -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer -depth 24 &
sleep 3
echo "======= COMPIZ ==========="
DISPLAY=:$1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/ compiz
--replace gconf decoration wobbly fade switcher minimize cube rotate
zoom scale move resize place &
sleep 3
echo "====== DECORATIONS ======="
DISPLAY=:$1 gnome-window-decorator &
sleep 3
echo "======= GNOME ============"
DISPLAY=:$1 gnome-panel --sm-config-prefix /gnome-panel-UizbC7/ &
DISPLAY=:$1 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-clFtdc/ &

Hope this will be useful...


Cyril Jaquier

[1] http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_XGL

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