Hi all:<br> <br> I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and a laptop of Thinkpad T60 with Mobility Radeon X1300. I found that for some kind of monitor, when I connect an external monitor and run xrandr --auto,nothing happen. <br>
<br>What I do is:<br><br>disconnect external monitor, reboot the system(check Xorg.0.afterboot), run xrandr --verbose (check xrandr.afterboot). Then I connect external monitor to the CRT port(check Xorg.0.after_connect_crt), and run xrandr --verbose again(check xrandr.after_connect_crt), it says VGA disconnected.<br>
<br>then I run xrandr --auto(check Xorg.0.after_call_xrandr_auto and xrandr.after_call_xrandr_auto), nothing happen.<br><br>This seems only happen on old CRT monitor, if I plug another external LCD monitor,everything works fine(check Xorg.0.log.new_monitor* and xrandr.newmoitor*).<br>
<br><br>$ lspci | grep "VGA"<br>01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M52 [Mobility Radeon X1300]<br><br>$ lsb_release -a<br>No LSB modules are available.<br>Distributor ID: Ubuntu<br>Description: Ubuntu jaunty (development branch)<br>
Release: 9.04<br>Codename: jaunty<br><br>$ uname -r<br>2.6.28-10-generic<br><br>There is no xorg.conf, I just let ubuntu auto detect the device and monitor.<br><br>Is this a bug? or do I have any other way to switch to my external VGA when using radeon driver?<br>
<br>thanks a lot.<br>-- <br>BR<br>wesley.wang<br>