xserver: Tidy up MAINTAINERS file

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at metux.net
Fri Feb 16 14:14:20 UTC 2024

Hello folks,

I've just submitted a MR for tidying up the MAINTAINERS file and bring
the xserver related part into the Xserver tree.


The Xserver tree has several different maintainers for various pieces of
the tree.

Historically these have been recorded in an entirely different tree
(xorg-docs repo), which rips apart the information base and makes it
pretty uncomfortable to find the maintainers (or other contacts) for
some particular area of the Xserver. And it gets even more complex when
the roles differing between branches (eg. stable 21.* line vs mainline
vs. 3rdparty branches)

Optimally this should be possible to do automatically by something like
the Linux kernel's get_maintainer.pl script, which also can be called by
other tooling. (since the existing MAINTAINERS file in xorg-docs already
has the Linux kernel's format, it's get_maintainer.pl script can be used

In general it's good if code bases are self-documenting, w/o having to
consult additional sources.

This queue introduces MAINTAINERS file for the Xserver itself (once it's
landed, the one in xorg-docs should be changed to just pointing here) as
well as the Linux kernel's get_maintainer.pl script.

It's done in several stages:

copy over MAINTAINERS from xorg-docs (original commit ID recorded in
commit message)
drop all entries for things outside the Xserver tree
add some yet missing entries (Jeremy and myself) as well as some missing
copy over get_maintainer.pl from Linux tree (also recording original
commit ID)
tweak it to work with the Xserver tree (source tree detection)
Once this this has landed mainline, I'll post a MR on xorg-devel for
replacing the Xserver entries there by a link to this new MAINTAINERS file.



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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at metux.net -- +49-151-27565287

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