A (hopefully) improved Polish keyboard map.

Antoni Grzymala antoni at grzymala.info
Fri Aug 19 16:54:39 PDT 2011

Dear list,

Attached please find a patch to the Polish keyboard map file.

The rationale for changes is following:

qQ → λΛ added for easy lambda-related writing;

wW → removed „ł” from under the ralt modifier (leads to common typos
like „błędół” instead of „błędów”);

jk → added «», common in proper Polish typography;

,  → added … (ellipsis);

vb → changed to support „proper” Polish typographer's quotes, the
“original” ones are still reachable with Vb;

4 → added eurosign and centsign around where the dollar is placed;

- – added the endash, for better endashing texts where there are no
provisions for automatic replacement of -- and the like into the

-    include "kpdl(comma)"
+    include "kpdl(dot)"

This last change is debatable – most users seem to find the keypad dot
far more useful than the comma – stuff like bc(1) and most programming
languages take floats written with a dot. A comma basically makes
sense in polonized spreadsheet programs which usually have provisions
for turning the keypad dot into a comma, anyway.

Best regards,


PS. I'm not subscribed to the list – please CC my address when

-------------- next part --------------
--- /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pl	2011-04-29 01:01:59.598230130 +0200
+++ antoszka.pl/plantoni	2011-08-20 01:30:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
-    key <AD01>  { [         q,          Q ] };
-    key <AD02>  { [         w,          W ] };
+    key <AD01>  { [         q,              Q,                U03BB,               U039B ] };
+    key <AD02>  { [         w,              W,                    w,                   W ] };
     key <AD03>	{ [         e,          E,      eogonek,      Eogonek ]	};
     key <AD09>	{ [         o,          O,       oacute,       Oacute ]	};
@@ -20,8 +20,15 @@
     key <AB02>	{ [         x,          X,       zacute,       Zacute ]	};
     key <AB03>	{ [         c,          C,       cacute,       Cacute ]	};
     key <AB06>	{ [         n,          N,       nacute,       Nacute ]	};
+    key <AC07>	{ [         j,          J,        guillemotleft,                   J ] };
+    key <AC08>	{ [         k,          K,       guillemotright,                   K ] };
+    key <AB08>	{ [     comma,       less,             ellipsis,            multiply ] };
+    key <AB04>	{ [         v,          V,   doublelowquotemark, leftdoublequotemark ] };
+    key <AB05>	{ [         b,          B, rightdoublequotemark,              ssharp ] };
+    key <AE04>	{ [	        4,     dollar,             EuroSign,                cent ] };
+    key <AE11>	{ [     minus, underscore,               endash,        questiondown ] };
-    include "kpdl(comma)"
+    include "kpdl(dot)"
     include "level3(ralt_switch)"

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