glamor: Changes to 'refs/tags/v0.4'

Zhigang Gong gongzg at
Sat Apr 28 02:50:27 PDT 2012

Tag 'v0.4' created by Zhigang Gong <zhigang.gong at> at 2012-04-28 10:29 -0700

version 0.4

Changes since the dawn of time:
Chris Wilson (3):
      Do not reduce a composite to a copy if we need to sample outside of the source
      Use CLAMP_TO_BORDER in copy_n_to_n so we can sample outside of the source
      Fixup glx support

Junyan He (7):
      Fixup For list.h change in xorg
      glamor_utils: Add some assistant functions to compare pixmaps/pictures.
      Prepare for modification of gradient using shader.
      Add the feature of generating linear gradient picture by using shader.
      Add the feature for radial gradient using shader.
      Fix the problem of memory leak in gradient pixmap generating.
      Fix the bug caused by gradient picture set the stops at the same percentage.

Li Peng (1):
      glamor: check driver support GEM or not

Peng Li (1):
      glamor_gl_dispatch: fix the dispatch initialization on GLES2.

Zhigang Gong (140):
      Initial version.
      Add new version glamor_fillspans without internal fallback.
      Add new version glamor_poly_fill_rect without internal fallback.
      Added more details to introduce GLAMOR in README.
      Disable glamor_tile temporary.
      Revert "Disable glamor_tile temporary."
      If caller is not using glamor screen, we can't register
      Correct the to check gbm.
      Added a missed header file.
      Fix the cflags of glamor-egl package.
      Override create/destroy picture to track pict format.
      exports more rendering functions to DDX driver.
      Can't create KHR image if the depth is uncompatible.
      Remove the access mode from private pixmap structure.
      Remove garbage file.
      Call glamor_create_pixmap directly in glamor rendering path.
      Classfy glamor pixmap to different types.
      Fallback if the pixmap is drm only.
      Call screen's method to create pixmap.
      Enable texture dynamic uploading.
      glamor-for-ddx: Exports all rendering/drawing functions.
      Correct the logic of glamor_egl_create_textured_pixmap.
      Export glamor_create_texture to DDX driver.
      Make sure the devPrivate.ptr of a textured pixmap is NULL.
      Remove useless egl functions.
      Code cleanup.
      Add a new API glamor_create_gc.
      Flush gl operations when destroy an textured image.
      Export glamor_validate_gc to DDX.
      Remove the assertion which is not safe sometimes.
      Fixed a bug at putImage.
      Fixed a rendering bug at fillspans.
      Remove useless output messages.
      Added more drawing functions.
      Need to check pixmap priv before touch its field.
      Track all picture's drawable pict format.
      get_spans: Check whether have a valid fbo before check format.
      Reduce the double check of pixmap's private pointer.
      Fixed a configure bug.
      glamor-composite: Optimize the computation of composite region.
      glamor-composite: Use glDrawElements to reduce the count of vertices.
      Set filter to GL_NEAREST by default.
      Consolidate the choose of internal texture format to one function.
      glamor_getimage: Add the optimization path of getImage.
      glamor_composite: Allocate VBO on demand.
      Silence a compilation warning.
      Set glamor's initial version to 0.2.0.
      Add glFinish after glFlush.
      Release previous textre/fb when bind a new texture to a pixmap.
      Rearrange data structure and remove unused fileds.
      glamor_create_picture: Fix the format matching method.
      Add debug message for all the uploading path.
      glamor_set_pixmap_texture/screen_pixmap: Remove useless parameters.
      glamor_fbo: Introduce glamor fbo to manage all the fb/tex.
      glamor-fbo-pool: Implement fbo cache mechanism.
      glamor-fbo-pool: Enable to reuse different size fbo/texture.
      glamor_composite: Fix one bug when we have too more vertices.
      glamor_init: Should set gl_flavor before sub-module intialization.
      glamor_render: Add non-Map/Unmap vertex array for GLES.
      glamor_egl: Don't call eglDestroyImageKHR directly.
      glamor_egl: Add support for the platform doesn't have gbm.
      glamor_gles2: Consolidate gles2 pixmap format readable check to one function.
      glamor-pixmap-upload: Create a uploading fbo with a texture only.
      glamor_create_fbo: Concentrate the fbo size/depth checking.
      glamor-fbo: Tweek the cache bucket calculation.
      glamor-gles2: Fixup the pixmap before read back if it is not readable.
      Refine CloseScreen and FreeScreen processes.
      Don't call dixSetPrivate directly.
      glamor_eglmodule: Change module name according to normalize naming rule.
      prepare_access: Don't use fbo after it was downloaded.
      glamor_fill/tile: Fixed a tileX/tileY calculation bug.
      glamor_dump_pixmap: Add helper routine to dump pixmap.
      glamor_picture: Fix the wrong order of header file.
      glamor_pixmap: Should bind unpack buffer to 0 after the uploading.
      GLX: Enable glx support.
      glamor_tile/composite: Modify fs to re-calculate texture coords.
      glamor_render: Only recalculate texture for repeat case.
      glamor_fbo: Fix a bug when create No gl FBO pixmap.
      glamor_copyarea: Don't use GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER when GLES2 enabled.
      For DRI swap buffers.
      Bump version to 0.3.1 for the new swap buffer API. Let's enable the AM_MAINTAINER_MODE.
      glamor_fill: Should restore alu to GXcopy.
      glamor_fbo: Added one macro to disable fbo cache.
      glamor_render: Disable gradient shader conversion due to bug.
      glamor_utils: Added debug function to dump depth 15/16 pixmap.
      gles2: Fixed color conversion for the formats except 1555 and 2101010.
      gles2: Added 1555/2101010 formats support.
      glamor_putimage: Reuse the function in pixmap.c to do the uploading.
      glamor_set_alu: Fallback for non GXcopy ops with GLES2.
      render: Enable more componentAlpha support.
      getimage: Enable getimage by default.
      glamor_set_alu: Added GXclear support at glamor_solid.
      glyphblt/polyops: Use miFunctions by default.
      glamor_color_convert: Let the caller to provide destination buffer.
      glamor_es2_pixmap_read_prepare: Just prepare the required region.
      glamor_download_sub_pixmap_to_cpu: New function to download subregion.
      fallback_optimize: Prepare for downloading/uploading subregion.
      glamor_polyfillrect: Optimize fallback path.
      glamor_polyfillrect: Fixed a potential bug if fallback at glamor_fill.
      glamor_getimage: Use glamor_download_sub_pixmap_to_cpu to get image.
      glamor_pixmap_upload_texture: Support to upload a sub region of data.
      glamor_upload/download: fix 1bpp bug.
      glamor_polylines: Don't fallback for non-solid fill.
      glamor_pixmap_ensure_fbo: Should allocate tex if we don't have one.
      glamor_gl: Use GL_ALPHA for depth 8 pixmap.
      glamor_pixmap_priv: Always return a valid private pixmap.
      Fixed a unbalanced glamor_put_dispatch.
      glamor_putimage: Reuse copy area to do the clipped copy.
      Fixed a stride problem for textured_drm pixmap.
      glamor_put_sub_pixmap: Change to use glamor_upload_sub_pixmap.
      glamor_render: Don't download whole picture when fallback.
      glamor_getspans: Reuse glamor_download_sub_pixmap.
      code clean up.
      glamor_setspans: Reuse glamor_upload_sub_pixmap.
      glamor_upload_pixmap: Use glTexImage2D for a fully update.
      pending_op: Remove the pending operations handling.
      glamor_getimage: Don't fallback to miGetImage.
      Fixed one potential texture size mismatch problem.
      glamor_putimage: Optimize for direct uploading and fallback path.
      gradient: Disable gradient for gles2.
      Disable A8 texture format for GLES2.
      glamor_copyarea: Don't access a DRM only pixmap.
      gradient: Don't need fixup flag when creating pixmap.
      glamor_render.c: Fixed repeatPad and repeatRelect.
      Fixed a1 bug.
      glamor_fbo: Added a threshold value for the fbo cache pool.
      glamor_render: Have to use eaxct size pixmap for transformation.
      glamor_copyarea: Return earlier if have zero nbox.
      glamor_blockhandler: Don't do glFinish every time.
      glamor_render: Fix the repeat none for GLES2.
      configure: Install glamor.conf to xorg.conf.d.
      Remove unecessary header file.
      Added --enable-debug configuration option.
      Added some copyright and author information.
      Fixed one typo bug when fixup a mask picture.
      Fixed an uninitialized problem at gradient shader functions.
      Fixed all unused variables warnings.
      Release 0.4.

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